Saturday 9 July 2016


*Black is the most common hair color in the world. Red, which only exists in about 1 percent of the world’s population, is the rarest. Blonde hair comes in a close second, with only 2 percent of the population.

*Hair can grow just about anywhere on the body, except for the palms of your hands, the soles of your feet, and on your lips and mucous membranes.

*Hair is more elastic than you think! It can expand by up to 30% of its original length when wet.

*Do you ever see a lot of hair in the drain after showering? That’s normal–we shed between 40 and 150 strands of hair a day.

*When did it become popular to color hair? In 1950, only about 7% of women colored their hair, but in 2015, it’s up to about 75%.Beauty can take time. 

*The average time a woman spends to wash, dry and style her hair is 1 hour and 53 minutes a week. By the time she is 65, she will have spent 7 months of her life doing her hair.

*Cutting your hair does not affect its growth, but it does help to avoid split ends, which can work their way up the hair shaft and make the individual shafts thinner, giving your hair the appearance of not growing. 

*Next to bone marrow, hair is the fastest growing tissue in the human body.

*Hair is mostly made up of keratin, which can also be found on the outer layer of our skin and nails.

*On average, hair grows .3 – .5 mm per day, 1.25 centimetres or 0.5 inches per month, and 15 centimetres or 6 inches per year.

As put together by Dareen

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